WELCOME TO AUXILIUM CONVENT HIGH SCHOOL You are so close to the victory, don't you dare give up now.

You are so close to the victory, don't you dare give up now.

Here education is a matter of the heart. The child is at the centre of the educational process. The ‘Preventive System’ also known as the ‘Expressive System’ is our style of educating which comprises of religion, reason and loving kindness. The environment is that of a Home where all feel welcome and are at-home. Children are awakened to sense of God and reverence to Him. They are taught to pray and turn to Him, the source and creator of all that exists. Mary, the Mother of Jesus is our model and inspirer


Auxilium Convent High School offers excellent educational facilities which are continually being extended and developed.
Science Lab
Science Lab 

Auxilium Convent High School offers excellent educational facilities which are continually being extended and developed. 


Auxilium Convent High School offers excellent educational facilities which are continually being extended and developed. 

Computer Lab
Computer Lab

Auxilium Convent High School offers excellent educational facilities which are continually being extended and developed.

Music Room
Music Room

Students who have early musical training will develop the areas of the brain related to language and reasoning. The left side of the brain is better developed with music, and songs can help imprint information on young minds.


Balaram Babu Khedekar Marg,  Wadala West, Wadala, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400031 


Email: auxiliumwadala@yahoo.com
Phone: 022 2411 2727


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