The World-wide Confederation of the Past-Pupils of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, subsequently referred to as the Association, is a not-for-profit association of the laity, promoted by the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (or Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco). As such, it is a group of the Salesian Family, seeing in the Rector Major – successor of Don Bosco – its Father and Center of unity.

In the same way that Providence had prepared the group of Mornese for Don Bosco to be able to realize his plan to found the Institute of the FMA, so too did Fr. Rinaldi gather skillfully and tactfully, and not without suffering, the various elements that already existed in the FMA in order to carry out Don Bosco’s dream.

To achieve this intention, he went step by step: first he sowed the idea [of an association] to awaken the desire to form a Union, and suggested that the FMA lead back to the Oratory those who no longer attended it. He invited the more influential among the girls to spread the idea of returning to the oratory among their companions, and so on. And when a group of those who attended the Sisters’ oratory in Turin came consistently, he gave them a conference on [the identity of] the past pupil, in such a way that the question “Why don’t we form an association?” spontaneously came from them.

They agreed to meet on March 8, 1908. In this meeting, Fr. Rinaldi explained how he intended the Association to be. A draft of the Rule of the Union was drawn up. On March 19, the first Past Pupils’ union was approved and officially formed.

The first guidelines were given by Fr. Rinaldi to the first past pupils was:
"Live in Don Bosco’s spirit, and spread it in sisterly union, with affection and gratitude towards your superiors."
Thus the Past Pupil unit of Auxilium Wadala strives to live this Spirit of Don Bosco among the Young. The unit meets once a month along with the delegate of the unit. The unit is presented with the pastoral project for the year, which in turn animates and guides their lines of action. They reach out in the various activities taken by the School and the community. Thus reaching out to the needy and the poor young. The alumni unit goes on from year to year with its youth and vigour giving of its time, talent and availability. The programme organized for the year aims at helping them grow as good and honest citizens and play a vital role in the society making a difference in the environment that they live and work.

The Federation constitutes of a council; the President Miss Elyidia Fernandes, the Secretary Mrs Ruki Jadhav, the Treasurer
Mrs Escolata Teixeira with the house delegate Sr. Fides Macwan.


Alumni of other faiths to become more appreciative of the human and Religious values of their own culture.

  • Spiritual Recollection

  • Enrollment of the alumni in all institutions

  • To conscientise the students of Stds. VIII, IX, & X on the role and duty of the alumni in each unit and the role of the federation

  • Visits to the Orphanages / homes for the destitute/outreach programme (Being the year of Mercy)

  • Annual General Meeting

  • Annual picnic

  • Alumni re-union

  • Involvement of the alumni as volunteers in the works of the Centre: Youth Fest, Diwali Dhamaka, Anmol celebrations, Summer Club, Enrollment of the Past Pupils.